Bitclub Network seems to be the latest in a wave of bitcoin mining income opportunities all around the internet. For a beginner it's hard to discern from the real opportunities and the fake ones.
The first thing to know is the fact that crypto-currencies are real and mining them is completely legal and globally practiced business. It is based on computers doing complex mathematical equations to release the next chain of coins into the market.
It is completely legal to mine bitcoins all around the world and so are MLM (Multi Level Marketing) companies. The new wave of bitcoin mining income opportunities are mostly a mixture of these two concepts.
A clean and professional multi level marketing compensation plan and the unique product of a crypto-currencie mining.
Combine these two and you have for the first time on the internet, a truly legal passive income opportunity based on a real product with a real compensation plan.
Next time you hear about Bitcoins, Litecoins, Dodgecoins and others and the possible income opportunity, don't be scared, this is just part of the new era of digital currencies and a more computerized world.
Everything is going virtual without a doubt. In the past, communication was all about writing and mailing. Today communication is all about writing and e-mailing. The only change is the "e", as in, electronic.
Money is no exception. We started to use salt, foods and precious metals as money, later down the road it went to coins, then paper and finally, virtual ForoPc money. Today we use credit cards, debit cards, echecks, ach and other forms of virtual money.
Bitcoins and other crypto-currencies are just an inevitable part of life as we know it. The way our race is evolving has led us to a more comfortable way of using money and that is digital money.
So next time you see that opportunity, embrace it. The chances are that you are going to be participating in something that can become the next PayPal or even better, the next United States Dollar.
As for Bitclub Network it is an opportunity to which many are afraid and I understand. We are scared of the unknown and sometimes afraid to try new things. It is only a fact that now over 500,000 people use bitcoin and this number is expected to hit 1,000,000 by the year 2015.
So which person are you going to be? The one standing on the sidelines or the one participating and building his own future?
The decision is yours to make.
Thanks for reading.